Saturday, August 19, 2006

Some more samples

The main goal of this blog is to give you a glimpse of the complete collection that I have made so far. If someone is interested in exhibiting the collection, just send me an e-mail at: and we will discuss conditions. Realize that the collection is thousands large. So it needs some space. Soon I will be scanning some more CD's I painted. So just come back in a while or so....

2003 - 42 Posted by Picasa
2003 - 8 Posted by Picasa
2003 - 4 Posted by Picasa
2004 - 2 Posted by Picasa
2004 - 1 Posted by Picasa
2005 - 2 Posted by Picasa
2005 - 1 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Signing the CD's

All CD's that are finished are signed with the initials JR and the year of finishing. Sometimes (when the CD is painted on another location) a lettercombination of the city is added. E.g. HD stands for Heidelberg.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Final result

Final result of a painted CD in my hand. This photo gives you an idea of the size of the paintings we are dealing with here. For normal paintings I can use any canvas I like. For this CD project the format and structure is always fixed. The challenge is always to make something new out of every CD. The one below shows how that can go....

Project Recycle

Another contribution for a project I sent out. Since the theme is RECYCLE, I thought it was quite apropriate to make a painted CD for the organisers of this specific project. Note the play of letters on the CD, and also a finished frame of 9 CD's that was hanging on my wall.

photo of contribution for the project: Recycle (made in 2000)

Project: The Great Harmony - OULLIM

From South-Korea I received an invitation for a project with thema: The Great Harmony - OULLIM. As a contribution for the project I painted one special CD which I documented with photos before sending it out. Below you find these documents. I have sent out several Painted CD's out into the network for exhibitions. Some are nicely persented in catalogs.

Detail-2 Posted by Picasa
Detail-1 Posted by Picasa
The CD Posted by Picasa
CD & cover Posted by Picasa

Details of Painted CD's

Here below you can see 4 photo's of details. When I paint the CD's I normally use quite thick layers. SOmetimes up to 20 layers are used, and therefore the CD's actualy become quite thick. When I decide that the CD is ready, the signature is placed and a finishing layer af varnisch is placed over the painted side. I always paint on the printed side of the CD. So actually the CD would still be possible. WIth the thick layer on top, most CD-players don't accept these CD's anymore.....

detail-4 Posted by Picasa
detail-3 Posted by Picasa
detail-2 Posted by Picasa
detail-1 Posted by Picasa
Photo of a selection of painted CD's at an exhibition. Posted by Picasa